Science-Art Centre, Australia

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Science-Art Centre, Australia - Robert Pope, Science-Artist

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The Science - Art Research Centre of Australia Inc has been awarded the status of an Approved Research Institute by the Commonwealth Government of Australia, 1995.

The Centre has published new fundamental physics principles based on the ancient Greek Science for Ethical Ends to balance the fundamental physics principles of Sir Isaac Newton's mechanical description of the Universe. This balancing science is called CREATIVE PHYSICS.

To continue the developement of the Classical Epicurean Science for Ethical ends towards a Creative Physics for the survival and betterment of the human condition and universal life.

A To demonstrate that such new Creative Physics provides the rigorous
foundation for new science including the areas of :
1. Life Sciences
2. Optimum Ethical Economic Developement
3. Science<->Art synergy
4. Ethical Legal Science
5. Experimental Physics
6. Community Design
7. Futures Studies.

B To facilitate the opportunity for Australian participation in the management and growth of the emerging Creative Physics technology.

C To present the world with tangible evidence that Australian multi - cultural society is able to contribute to the developement of reliable scientific guidance for human survival and future world betterment, action learning and technology.


The Science-Art Research Centre of Australia is concerned that civilization is accelerating toward a global crisis of catastrophic proportions and believes the need to shed modern physics paradigms is an essential prerequisite for human survival. The meaning of civic virtue appears lost within a confusion of religious, scientific, political and economic persuasions. Science, as it is, without a logical aesthetics component, demonstrates itself to be incapable of providing the principles necessary to sustain a harmonious relationship with the environment, necessary to ensure human survival. Furthermore, the fixation with current physics paradigms is preventing the generation of novel computer simulations that can solve this problem.

Background to the Science Art Research Centre and its Work

The Science-Art Centre was first established in the Riverland of South Australia in 1979, its objective being to upgrade the ancient Greek Science for Ethical Ends into a modern Creative Physics. During that year, the Science Unit of Australian National Television, documented the Centre’s theories into their eight part series entitled The Scientists-Profiles of Discovery. Updates on the Centre and its activities may be found at

During the same year, the Commonwealth of Australia’s Department of Trade and Export Development financed the Director of the Centre’s attendance to the World Summit Meeting of Science, at the International Centre for Theoretical Physics in Trieste, held as part of the Albert Einstein 100th Anniversary celebrations. At that congress, China’s highest awarded physicist, Kun Huang, provided the Centre with a successful research methodology. Huang pointed out that the ancient Greek life-form geometry could be located within the world fossil record. He suggested that by comparing the changes to geometrical patterning over evolutionary time scales, the nature of the physics forces governing optimum biological growth and development through space-time, might be identified.

During the 1980s the Science-Art Centre had several life-energy papers written by its mathematician, Chris Illert, published by Italy’s leading scientific journal, Il Nuovo Cimento. In 1990, two of these papers were selected as important discoveries of the 20th Century and were reprinted in Washington by the world’s leading professional association for the advancement of technology, the Institute of Electrical and Electronic Engineers (1). In 1995 the work won a physics first prize in Europe, internationally acclaimed for discovering the physics forces governing optimum biological growth and development through space-time (2). This discovery honoured the research methodology postulated by Kun Huang.

In 1997 the American Council for the United Nations University Millennium Project’s Australasian Node made an in-depth investigation into the work of the Science-Art Centre, providing a positive assessment of it. In 2006, the organization awarded its director, Professor Robert Pope, a ‘Decree of Recognition’ for his modification of Leonardo da Vinci’s Theory of Knowledge, which predicted the existence of a vast new science and technology. This modification was given credence in 1992 by the discovery of Pope’s predicted vast new science and technology. The discovery was made by researchers developing the work of the 1991 Nobel Prize winner, Pierre de Gennes. The principal discoverer of the new technology, Professor Barry Ninham, later appointed as the Italian National Chair of Chemistry, wrote that the Centre’s work encompassed a revolution of thought as important to science and society as the Copernican and Newtonian revolutions.

The Centre has found that it is possible to relate its scientific discoveries to a public understanding of the fundamental issues concerning the evolution of democracy. On the 6th of March, 2000, the Mayoral representatives of the six towns representing the Riverland Region of South Australia, and the Region's Representative in State Parliament, signed and sealed a document endorsing the cultural significance of the development of the Centre's Creative Physics, its potential for the betterment and advancement of humanity and the work being done toward the development of a new global democracy through this scientific discipline.



What's New with My Subject?

Holographic image phenomena appear to be associated with the Russian physicist Peter Gariavev’s experiments recording DNA phantom effects of electromagnetic holographic after-images. In her paper, The Whole Sum Infinity - Merging Spirituality and Integrative Biophysics, Iona Miller connects Gariavev’s findings to holographic non-locality communication at the cellular level (41). Such images may be considered to be characteristic of the functioning of the Nous in space-time.

Constructing a New Worldview Model of Reality

The following Mark Robinson’s model of space-time reality is an example of a construction that appears to embrace a further upgrading of the Science for Ethical Ends. By using Bolzano’s logic, Robinson’s model, or others similar to it, can be tested for credibility.

A new energy, recently discovered and named Quintessence, in honour of ancient Greek science, is held to accelerate the expansion of the universe. Dartmouth College, Department of Physics and Astronomy’, Robert R Caldwell and Princeton University Department of Physic’s Paul J Steinhardt, wrote that the “new ideas are usurping traditional notions about the composition of the universe, the relationship between geometry and destiny, and Einstein’s greatest blunder”. They also wrote “Cosmologists have proposed that a mysterious substance called quintessence can explain why our universe is accelerating…In philosophy, quintessence refers to the fifth element - after air, earth, fire and water - proposed by the ancient Greeks to describe a sublime, perfect substance”(42).

Mark Robinson, inspired by Plato’s famous dictum, ‘all is geometry’, considered that profound geometrical aspects of the quintessence theory, have an important philosophical part to play in the construction of a new model of space-time. Anaxagoras defined the Nous as a ‘Whirling Force’, suggesting to Robinson that the geometrical structure, of what can be considered to be a universal negentropic phenomenon, might be depicted by a system of vorticeal fractal energies, which act upon primordial matter to construct the universe and to evolve intelligence.

Quintessence is also associated with the term ‘aether’, used by Sir Isaac Newton. It can be considered that this ‘aether’ energy, refers to a negentropic energy form that challenges the basis for Einstein’s  claim of “the premier law of all science”. Sir Isaac Newton’s published and unpublished contributions to the Greek quintessence, or ‘aether’ hypothesis associated gravity, matter and light with a life-force affecting the evolutionary process. It is reasonable to consider that Newton was alluding to what today are described as non-local holographic life-energy forces(43) .

In Robinson’s model the universe, in expanding toward infinity, can be considered to be accompanied by a continual upgrading of light speed and contains an ever-expanding bank of evolutionary information emanating from quintessence energy. This bank of information can be considered to influence the structure of David Bohm’s holographic space-time reality.

It can be considered that Sir Isaac Newton held that gravity, matter and light are harmonically inspired and that this is associated with a life-force, consistent with the omni Nous energy system. If so, then this phenomenon must effect a profound influence over our reality. Its presence could be exerted within an omni physics system beyond our understanding of the mechanical workings of the universe, in accordance with Newton’s “more profound natural philosophy” to balance his mechanical description of the universe(9).

A seemingly finite-infinite paradoxical situation arises within the aether or quintessence theory. A continual upgrading of geometrical instructions is needed to sustain a continually evolving universe, depicting a finite reality within an infinite perspective. For consciousness to evolve, it must obtain meaningful inspiration from the continuous upgrading of the geometrical structure of space-time. For humans to take advantage of this process, a relevant evolving information ‘feedback’ science is required to guide the construction of human survival technology.

Robinson’s proposed Science-Art model incorporates what can be described as a continual upgrading of the properties of Einstein’s cosmological constant. Einstein’s constant would remain legitimate for each separate unit of a space-time moment. Each space-time unit encodes a blueprint of universal existence, of an ever-evolving universal information content. The transmission of information from this growing system, employs observable non-local effects, to form a constant upgrading of David Bohm’s fractal universal hologram, linking non-locality to the functioning of quintessence energy.

This basic model, which Mark Robinson first postulated in 2003 and upgraded in 2004, depicted a moment of time being made up of three units, the past, the present and the future. These three units of time interact with quintessence or aether energy, to constantly accelerate the various harmonic properties of light, a process that could explain the expansion and acceleration of the universe. Although acting as a single energy system, past, present and future units are harmonically different, creating our dimensional perspective of space-time reality, an upgrading of Pythagoras’ ‘Music of the Spheres’(6). We are unaware of each separate unit of time, because it is being separated by the process of ‘destructive interference’ within the universal holographic structure.

With quintessence information being transmitted onto a universal holographic frame, it can be considered that the information converts to a fractal geometrical form, giving substance to Stanford University’s cosmologist, Professor Andrie Linde’s consideration that the universe is an ever  expanding fractal expression. Mainstream science today accepts that fractal geometrical logic does extend to infinity. Robinson‘s worldview model attempts to explain an evolutionary information ‘feed-back’ process within that infinite fractal process.

Complex animate molecules can obtain evolutionary benefit by harmonizing with the evolving universal harmonic process. Inanimate matter, unable to harmonize and adapt with the universal creative energy system, forms the balancing entropic energy system. This entropic and negentropic process forms the vital universal balance’ alluded to within Sir Isaac Newton‘s infinite universe. An obsession with an unbalanced entropic system formed the basis of an ancient Greek warning which, when upgraded, reads as follows: unless we understand this holographic, or evolving ‘spiritual’ process, then we condemn ourselves to becoming an integral part of the universal extinction process. This is exactly the situation that is represented by the existing worldview.

By upgrading Aristotle’s four elements, earth, air, fire and water to read solid, gaseous, plasma, and liquid as the four properties of matter, Robinson considers that the properties of plasma exhibit qualities influenced by the functioning of Aristotle’s fifth element of quintessence, associated with the David Bohm’s universal holographic reality. In 1929 the Nobel Laureate Irving Langmuir named the most fundamental state of matter as ‘plasma’. The properties of plasma are known to demonstrate fractal geometrical logic (44) and scientists employ formulae that embrace non-local effects in space-time that are associated with the properties of plasma. This can be considered a key to the upgrading of science with fractal geometry logic and new physics principles, to obtain healthy evolutionary space-time simulations.

It becomes apparent that the understanding of fractal logic needs to encompass the forces that guide evolution toward infinity. Our understanding of relativity becomes altered in order to accommodate a new understanding of the fundamental importance of evolving fractal logic. From this altered point of reference, quintessence energy drives the ‘Nous’ structure of space-time, providing the mechanism in which fractal logic employs non-local effects. The constant alteration of quintessence’s geometrical structure generates the space-time forces guiding evolution. Some of the properties of plasma can be considered to echo the omni properties of the quintessence energy.

This upgraded model of the ancient Greek Nous elevates fractal logic as a vital element within the growing construction of an upgraded David Bohm’s holographic universe. With such an upgraded fractal model, we can better understand the role of quintessence within the Quantum world. It is proposed that this understanding may lead to a more full and balanced knowledge for the betterment of the human condition, as we start to grasp our place and meaning within the universe.

Concluding Statement

The understanding of a creative principle of harmonious universal evolution can be considered to be the key to designing a new and more profound structure of democratic principles. The rediscovery of Bernard Bolzano’s ethical science allows for the Islamic optical theories to help upgrade the scientific principles upon which modern democracy has been founded. The new paradigm will also provide opportunities to generate simulated sustainable solutions, to counter the acceleration of the present global chaos crisis. The criteria for selecting from these simulations and the methodology for developing human survival technology should reflect that new understanding.

This paper has been written to honour the ennobling ethos of the Great American Dream to ensure global human liberty. From the genius of Islam’s Golden Age, the writings of history’s Father of Optics, Al Haitham, was used to correct Leonardo da Vinci’s life-science optics, opening the gateway for a new world comprehension of ethical physics technology. All that needs to be done now is to generate the relevant human survival blueprints and then ‘wonder’ together, at the incredible potential majesty of our future human destiny. Scientists should consider that before they lampoon the ideas expressed herein, they might note that the great mathematician, Poincare, persistently advised that aesthetics was more important in mathematical discovery than was logic. Bernard Bolzano’s Theory of Science, as a correction to Western aesthetics demonstrated that aesthetics itself, is a rigorous science in its own right.