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About Science-Artificers in the World

Collective Responsibility Principle –

the Science-Artificer as a Socially Responsible Citizen responding locally, proactively, concretely and collaboratively to the Global Problematique.


The outcome of my grounded theory whereby theory is build up from local or grounded observations not as is usually the case in ‘grand theory’ local data are sought to prove or disprove the grand or general theory[8] Glaser [17]. Based on a two year research period working with some 4 Artificers identified the following four key principles. During this period I kept a field journal and recorded learning insights therein. Grounded Theory was then applied to code these insights and identify key emergent ‘meta categories’ from this field data records. The key or paramount category that emerged, one that all other categories related to, was ‘the exemplar project’ (see Principle 1 immediately below) Glaser [17], Dick [18]. This action research protocol for this project is explicated in Wildman and Hadkins [19].

Artificer Principle 1: The Exemplar Project Principle

Exemplar project – or bricolage - means a best in class project/prototype designed to address a collectively prioritised need, and demonstrates a better world is possible for our children.

For example a project that is based on Artificer learning over a decade of praxis, such praxis helps generate a grasp of the big picture while understanding the small picture, its components and interface. Interface is that interdisciplinary surface between skill sets that are to be integrated if knowledge is to be efficaciously applied. For instance a project/prototype requires such interface/interdisciplinary integration for its successful testing and in fact much of the beta version is about working out the interfaces i.e. working out efficacious ways various skill sets/knowledge areas can interface effectively.

In this way active practical knowledge/wisdom through the exemplar project embeds interdisciplinary interface in the very ‘D’esign process and often occurs at the edges of the formal | informal economy. The project tends to be innovative rather than inventive, and combines business discipline, vocational expertise and social context, that braids thinking and doing; part and whole; individual and collective and is aimed at bettering the lot of our fellow human in line with the requirements of the global problematique.[9] In a social sense then the Exemplar Project integrates/interfaces Social Futures | Action Research and | Change Management.

Such interface involves the following key interface/interdisciplinary arenas:

[1] Technical Interface category

[2] Human Ecology Interface category

[3] Ends Interface (Normative and Strategic) category

[4] Lateral Interface category

[5] Informal Interface category
[6] Learning Interface category

[7] Design Interface category
[8] Butterfly Effect Interface category

[9] Interface as Focus

[10] Failure Interface category

[11] Tool Interface category

[12] The Polis as interface nest

Should these be applied to a learning institution we end up not with a ‘University’ (one way of knowing) but rather with what may be called a ‘polyversity’ (many ways of knowing). That is from monophonic university to polyphonic multiversity. Wildman [20]

Artificer Principle 2: Social Betterment Principle

The exemplar project is seen by the Artificer as an example of a social betterment. Such betterment can be for the corporation and its community interactions, for the community independent of the corporation, or for society as a whole.

The exemplar project although it may manifest in an technological or organisational manner is actually seen by the Artificer as a social betterment or holon, after Koestler [21]. That is as self organising nested system which is simultaneously part and whole, hierarchically situated yet autonomous, using fixed rules yet flexible strategies, such as the heart in the circulation system of our body.

The Artificer then may be seen as a Renaissance person and sees the exemplar project at essence not uniquely materialistic i.e. a technological endeavour yet to be understood in terms of social betterment. Artificers tend to integrate life at the individual perspective with social betterment.

Artificer Principle 3: Collective Responsibility Principle – the Artificer as a Socially Responsible Citizen responding locally, proactively, concretely and collaboratively to the Global Problematique.

The Artificer or Artificer sees themself as a Global citizen responding locally, concretely, participatively, anticipatively, and proactively with the above two attributes to global futures via. the global problematique by blending internal and external ethics e.g. the redefinition of psychological markers such as income, status, time and task etc. One of the closest historical parallel to this type of combined vocational skill and consciousness raising that has emerged in Australia and the UK is, for instance, the Workers Education Association (WEA) movement.

In this sense the bushie sees the exemplar project as a living prototypical response to the question ‘how then should we live together? – a sort of ‘Stargate’ portal to one aspect of a better world’

Artificer Principle 4: Learning Principle – Learning from actions, based on the above 3 principles, demonstrating a better world is possible.

This includes individual and collaborative and collective learning from and with the engagement/embodiment/action of establishing the exemplar project.

Towards a revised definition of Artificer/Artificer

Based on these four key outcomes of the Artificer/Artificer grounded research project we may now postulate a new definition of same.

A Artificer is someone who, over a period of years and with substantial effort, resources and commitment, and as part of their responsibility as world citizen, participative and anticipatively conceives designs, establishes and learns through an exemplar project tin order to demonstrate today a better world is possible for our children’s children. [Paul Wildman 15-01-2006]

In short someone who acts ahead wisely.


The History or Story Behind My Site

We can begin by admitting our addiction to our false GOD -- Gold, Oil & Drugs.


MANIFEST DESTINY: How can we manifest the common destiny of a peaceful and prosperous future for all of mankind? We can create an evolutionary politics to build a more creative future. Calculated cycles of commodification and scarcity, business and war have driven the military-industrial complex and the manipulative/exploitative multinational corporate climate. Cover Ups, media distortion, disinformation and confusion have paralyzed us with apathy and cynicism so nothing significant can be trusted, believed or known. But we do know this: 1% of humanity controls 40% of global wealth.

FROM GREEDY TO NEEDY: But we can empower ourselves to resist propaganda, consumerism, fear factors, status quo politics and meta-control to shape ourselves a better destiny - a 21st century MANIFEST DESTINY that fulfills our positive spiritual potential. Spiritual bankruptcy, the failure to consider our effects on the whole system, is a symptom of our collective ethical and economic failures.

ETHICAL ECONOMICS: If we don't want a dark future for humanity, we must reinvent ourselves, our ethical economics and our culture from the foundation upwards. Even if that is fantastically radical, it can still happen any moment, one inspired person or community at a time, cascading toward a visionay approach to large-scale societal transformation that heals personal and global socioeconomical scars. Active reconciliation must replace passive resignation to our fate. We have to "check it before we wreck it," that is, check our overweening narcissism, self-indulgence and gluttony as a nation-state.

COMPASSIONATE CONSUMPTION: Competent citizenry can learn to impliment constructive visions for our collective planetary future. We can wrestle our future from the grip of sociopathic control freaks, fiscal irresponsibility and deluded mental processes. Deep and broad visions can stimulate reflection and lively discussion of contemporary solutions that can become the scaffolding for action plans from the community level upwards. A courageous and truly integrated vision would include a detailed strategy for a vibrant and life-sustaining future.

SURVIVAL STRATEGIES: Individually and collectively we have to redefine what it means 'to thrive' not just survive with more compassion for others and life in general. The paradigm needs to switch from materialistic "dog eat dog" to universalist "we're all in it together." We must remain self-reflectively vigilant for mass stupidity, cultural bigotry and racial intolerance. We have to develop an active courage to change and to impliment more intelligent choices.

CONSCIOUS EVOLUTION: Evolution has made us self-aware and self-conscious. But those terms are not states but a spectrum of states, which can be up-regulated with simple techniques, such as concentration, self-reflection and meditation. Even biological evolution is now under the direction of human Conscious Evolution. Hard technolgies and spiritual tech are expanding our ideas of what it means to be human, and our inherited potential for realization and self-expression. Conscious Evolution is a worldview that supercedes the Manifest Destiny philosophy, a higher octave of the comprehension that "our reality is what we make it."

ENLIGHTENMENT: Many are pro-actively implementing their personal and collective vision of social potential and an emergent worldview that is negentropic and integrative, personally and culturally. Greed is unenlightened self-interest, myopic selfishness. Enlightened Self Interest is a good place to begin. It is an ethical philosophy demonstrating when we act in the interest of others, we promote our own well-being. An illumined state is not the goal, but the platform for creative interaction within the authentic Self, or essence, in a collective context. Conscious Evolution links discipline, practice and service. Our culture can be enriched by our present actions.

EMERGENT PARADIGM: The new paradigm embraces chaos, complexity, emergent creativity and self-organization. We all participate in the evolution of consciousness, whether our transformations are conscious or unconscious. Conscious Evolution is the ethical, philosophical, intentional governance of human change and cultural engineering.

We can each conduct ourselves compassionately with spiritual responsibility for the health and unfolding of human progress. Thinking and behaving with creative intent, we form a graceful society, approaching our ideal, incorporating loving, harmonious methods also in harmony with nature. The post-metaphysical desire is to contribute to the spiritual fulfillment of all people. The needs of the many resonate with the needs of the one.

COMMITMENT TO TRUTH: What is our shared vision today? Shared visions arise from those truly committed to their personal visions. What is the true nature of this "reality" we are creating? Are we on purpose and achieving our collective destiny or has our country been hijacked by special interests? Why do we obsessively overwork, overspend, cover up, get aggressive and perpetuate sick organizations? How can we let go of our old national identity, pass through the 'neutral zone' and experience transforming rebirth? We need a paradigm that superimposes the new on the old. First comes a change in attitudes or worldview that embodies a different set of values in cultural rebirth.

CREATIVE STRATEGIES: How can we raise the bar? Shared vision uplifts our aspirations, gives us courage and ignites our spirit. It pulls us toward an overarching goal. It creates room for risk taking and experimentation by fostering long term commitment. We can extend principles and insights from personal mastery into the world of discipline, collective aspiration and shared commitment. The vision may come before its time is ripe, but we have to try, even to fail. We need a transition plan or crisis and confusion will arise. We can look to the past to get to the root of the problem.


Social Innovation


We see Social Innovation as a person, organisation, product, service or process that has implemented practicalities that create a better future society. Such innovations tend to be ‘outside the box’, are actively practiced by those involved and have a strategy for developing alternative structures for linking the Social Innovation back to the mainstream.

We have found that in the area of technological innovation there are many conferences, activities and funding options. In the field of Social Innovation however, innovators tend to be disparate, lack peer support, government funding, corporate sponsorship and tax concessions that are available to technological innovators and innovations.

Now more than ever, we need to be looking at the future society that we are creating and supporting each other in our individual endeavours to get there.




or a more direct


Paul Wildman [Kalgrove Pty/Ltd - http://www.kal.net.au/ ]

PO 73 Northgate 4013 Brisbane Australia

ph +61 7 32667570. Mob 0412027818

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