Biowarfare Legacy
version 4
The Sickening Legacy of Biowarfare
Biowarfare (BW) is part of the Holy Trinity: Gold, Oil, and Drugs
– the ‘GOD’ to whom we all pledge allegiance through our consumeristic lifestyles. We are all complicit, that is, these are humanity’s projects as a whole that may reap the whirlwind.
“The gods have become diseases…” –Carl Jung, Secret of the Golden Flower “[Evil is] the exercise of political power—that is, the imposition of one’s will upon others by overt or covert coercion…” Or in other words, it is the use “of political power to destroy others,” for the purpose of defending or preserving the integrity of one’s sick self (or group).” –Scott Peck, People of the Lie "In vast laboratories in the Ministry of Peace, and in experimental stations, teams of experts are indefatigably at work searching for new and deadlier gases; or for soluble poisons capable of being produced in such quantities as to destroy the vegetation of whole continents; or for breeds of disease germs immunized against all possible antibodies." --George Orwell. 1984 In Egypt, even the gods became ill and sought the healing help of other divinities. Temples prepared prescriptions for divinities and humans and the methods of curing were identical. In most Homeric literature it is the arrows of the gods Apollo and Artemis which bring plague. In Latin poetry various aspects of pestilence and disease were personified, including Morbus (Disease), Pestis and Lues (Pestilence), Macies (Wasting, Emaciation), and Tabes (Corruption). In Chaos Theory, attractors describe the characteristic behavior of a dynamical system changing over time. Traumatic events, especially chronic events, act as “strange attractors” in consciousness which keep everything in their orbit, cycling wildly, unpredictably, but within the parameters of the attractor, reiterating the same cues over and over. There is ample evidence that Cuba has been ground zero for covert biowarfare: In 1961, Operation Mongoose targeted cane fields and workers. Two outbreaks of swine flu, in 1971 and 1979, mandated the slaughter of hundreds of thousands of pigs. In 1981 hemorrhagic dengue fever crippled a quarter million people. "Operation Marshall Plan" called for Havana to be blanketed with a cocktail of Venezuelan equine encephalitis and Q fever. A relentless barrage of attacks created outbreaks of exotic and previously unknown diseases targeting sugar, tobacco, citrus, coffee, egg, and dairy production. In 1990-91, bananas and honey were hit with debilitating infections. In 1996 Cubans demanded an investigation of ‘salting’ with Thrips palma, an insect parasite. (Bionoia) The US defends itself by accusing Cuba of biowarfare. Do we protest too much? Clandestine use of biologicals is bioterrorism. Secrecy and contamination are a deadly threat. Some call the prospect of mandatory swine flu vaccination bioterrorism. BW is a multidimensional problem crossing many legal and illegal domains – human and civil rights, trade, disarmament, medicine, population control, etc. It is often tied up with other covert operations, nuclear and chemical interventions. Secret medical experiments are not new. They continue on Q fever, Valley Fever, Tularemia (rabbit fever) and more. The real issue is the fact that we have competing agendas and multiple players – bioweaponeers – and multiple agents in terms of bacteria, viruses, fungi; multiple targets within humans, plants, and animals; multiple environments in which that can occur. How do we mobilize against an unexpected threat, whether it is natural or engineered? Experts point out, we have no surge on demand manufacturing capability even once a pathogen is identified. Multiple scenarios demand a wide spectrum of defense postures. Scenarios are endless: if you want to hire a group of biomercenaries to put on an island somewhere, you can write our own scenario. Do you want to disable or neutralize the enemy? Do you want to kill millions or do you actually just want to sustain a pattern of psychological operations against the adversary? Do you actually want to declare a priori that you will strike a city every third Friday, not to kill people, but merely show an ability to render society vulnerable and erode confidence in government? “A monkey virus linked to human cancers may have contaminated the oral polio vaccine for years after the U.S. government ordered manufacturers to remove it. The Chronicle reported in 2001 that the simian virus SV40 had contaminated early polio vaccine given to millions of Americans. When health officials discovered in 1961 that SV40 caused malignant tumors in lab animals, they ordered the virus eliminated from all future vaccine. But internal memos from Lederle Laboratories, the chief producer of polio vaccine in the United States, indicate SV40 may not have been completely removed. According to one memo, SV40 was found in three of 15 lots of the oral vaccine seven months after the federal directive was issued in March 1961. Lederle released the contaminated vaccine to the public anyway, the memo shows. Scientists discovered SV40 in the Salk polio vaccine in 1960. By then as many as 30 million Americans had been given injections of the SV40-tainted polio vaccine, which was first licensed in 1955. In recent years more than 60 scientific studies have found SV40 in rare human brain, bone and lung-related cancers, the same kinds of tumors the virus caused in laboratory animals. Some scientists believe SV40 may play a role in causing those cancers. The Lederle documents, which were obtained by Philadelphia attorney Stanley Kops in litigation not related to SV40, raise the possibility the virus might have been transmitted by contaminated oral vaccine, licensed for production in 1962.” Y2K wasn’t the real Millennial Bug of the 21st century. History may show it comes from the singular act in 1997 of digging and retrieving virus from Spanish Flu victims of the 1918 Spanish flu pandemic frozen in permafrost near an Eskimo village. This pandemic killed 50 million people worldwide. Frozen cadaver tissue wad shipped to the Armed Forces Institute of Pathology in Rockville, Maryland. The virus’s genetic RNA material was identified and the 1918 Spanish flu was successfully brought back to life. Scientists researching pandemic flu strains have, since the recreation of the 1918 flu, been playing fast and loose with flu samples. There is ample evidence to suggest this virus was combined with others. It escaped the lab, either deliberately or accidentally and has created a situation that allegedly warrants global vaccination. The genetic material has been re-engineered to synthetically create what is now known as the A/H1N1 virus, or as the Centers for Disease Control (CDC) calls it, the “novel flu.” The A/H1N1 influenza contains genetic material from two strains of swine flu, two strains of human flu, and a single strain of avian flu. Its genetic code is now in public databases, where other researchers can download it to conduct experiments. Scientists from the University of Wisconsin and the National Microbiology Laboratory in Canada have already collaborated to reconstruct the virus from the publicly available sequence. How easy would it be for a bioterrorist to exploit the same information for malevolent ends? Spanish flu victims were dug up and the pathogen was engineered into bird and swine flu. Hoyle and Wickramasinghe at the University of Wales at Cardiff suggest that flu epidemics and perhaps other illness can rain down on us from space. They present data correlating high sunspot activity with flu pandemics (large-scale epidemics), driven by a roughly 11-year cycle of solar activity. [ ] Who knows what else space might have in store for humanity but can it be any worse than the heinous measures we inflict on ourselves? Widescale experimentation with mycoplasmas and other agents may already have made us all ticking timebombs. [ ] “Wet Operations” Furthermore, being a microbiologist can be hazardous to your health. Between Nov 12, 2001 and Mar 25, 2002, 13 renowned microbiologists mysteriously died in less than five months. The list of those who have died under mysterious circumstances keeps growing from LSD-patsy Frank Olson (d. 1953) to the “suicide” of accused anthrax murderer, the August 2008 “suicide” of Bruce E. Ivins, (Amerithrax pathogen) and the “suicide” of British whistleblower Dr. David Kelley in July 2003. A transnational deadly pattern emerges. By 2005, 40 world-class micro-biologists expired in less than 4 years, all under suspicious circumstances. All worked for a government, or government contractors, on projects related to bio-terrorism, flu pandemics, or anthrax. Then it was discovered that our government was involved in strange experiments that involve exhuming bodies of people that were killed by the 1918 Spanish flu, and genetically engineered flu viruses. Kelly was head of biological defense at the British secretive military research establishment of Porton Down, Wiltshire, and the brain behind much of the West's germ warfare programs. According to Burghardt (2009), Kelly may have been a target of Dick Cheney's “Executive Assassination Ring.” It’s hard to say what was more damning, his accusations that Saddam Hussein had no WMDs or his direct knowledge of genetically-targeted bioweapons and nefarious experiments. Kelly was linked to the Britain's intelligence services MI5 and MI6, GCHQ, the Ministry of Defense (MoD), the Foreign Office and foreign spy agencies - including Israel's notorious Mossad (since 1995). A documentary, “Anthrax Wars,” is set for release in 2009. (Reid) Microbiologist Dr. Vladimir Pasechnik headed the Soviet bioweapons program at the Biopreparat facility. He was found dead in Wiltshire, England, near his home. In good health, he died suddenly in 2001 from a stroke some believe was induced by a nerve agent that mimics a stroke and leaves no traces. This began a string of mysterious deaths and obvious murders of world-class microbiologists, including Dr. Kelly. On the Warpath Biolgocial research conducted on Indian reservations is not subject to scrutiny by the federal government because they are sovereign nations. In the 70s, Wackenhut Corporation attempted to sell "biological warfare viruses" and vaccine kits to the U.S. government to be used against “small countries bordering Albania or large countries bordering the Soviet Union.” William C. Patrick, III developed the process by which anthrax spores could be concentrated at the level of one trillion spores per gram. Patrick worked with Kanatjan Alibekov, known as "Ken Alibek" since he defected to the US in 1992. Remember, Alibek served as manager for a CIA biological warfare program in 1998. In Russia, Alibek was the No. 2 expert in the FSU's biowarfare program, under Vladimir Pasechnik.
Spore Wars
The abominable Trinity is War, Terror and Disease which combine in Biowarfare (BW). “Hot Stuff” is the trade term given to toxic, radiological, infectious and lethal biological and chemical agents by those in the Bioweapons Industrial Complex. The ABCs of mass destruction and biowarfare are Atomics, Biologicals, and Chemicals.
As an icon of biohazard, the skull reminds us all that we must die. Lost in denial, we prefer to ignore the Warning Signs – biohazards ahead. Decontamination needs to begin inside our skulls, within the psyche, for only there can we find peace. Before the era of science, people used stories about gods and heroes to explain the world, including the mysteries of disease and death. Now, instead of merely understanding the disease process, we can manufacture old and new pathogens. Eris (Discordia) makes us wonder what the world would be like without monsters and calamity.
The Nemesis of our undoing may be microscopic – an invisible peril. The metaphor of Pandora’s Box with all its uncontainable ills includes both biological and fear factors. This cautionary tale might be the guiding myth of our times, a variant of the malevolent genii in the bottle. We may be going exactly where we are heading with our vampyric research that sucks the very life from our society. The word biowarfare evokes an image of terrorism.
"For ere this [the opening of Pandora's jar] the tribes of men lived on earth remote and free from ills (kakoi) and hard toil (ponoi) and heavy sickness (nosoi) which bring the Keres (Fates) upon men; for in misery men grow old quickly. But the woman took off the great lid of the jar (pithos) with her hands and scattered all these and her thought caused sorrow and mischief to men. . . countless plagues (lugra), wander amongst men; for earth is full of evils and the sea is full. Of themselves diseases (nosoi) come upon men continually by day and by night, bringing mischief to mortals silently; for wise Zeus took away speech from them. So is there no way to escape the will of Zeus." -Hesiod, Works and Days 90 ff (trans. Evelyn-White) (Greek epic C8th or C7th B.C.) :
In Oedipus, Teiresias complains of grim Erinys’s (Vengeance) shriekes, and blind Furor [Lyssa, fury] and Horror [Phrike, horror], and “all the forms which spawn and lurk midst the eternal shades [i.e. in the underworld]: Luctus [Penthos, grief], tearing her hair; Morbus [Nosos, disease], scarce holding up her wearied head.”
Other baleful horrors include Letum [Ker, ruin] and Lues [Ker or Nosos, pestilence], Mors [Thanatos, death], Labor [Ponos, hardship], Tabes [Phthisis, corruption] and Dolor [Algos, distress]. The blasting Fatae [Keres, fates], quaking terror of Morbus [Nosos, disease], Macies [Ischnasia, wasting], and black Pestis [Ker or Nosos, pestilence], and mad Dolor [Algos, despair] can also be guides.
The Gods of Generation and Destruction constantly war with one another. In Gore Vidal’s 1978 novel, Kalki, the hypocritical antihero insanely plans to end the human race using a terminal virus, a biological agent to cleanse the planet and repopulate it with his own seed. The last great plague “solves” the problem of excessive humanity. In the ambiguous film, ‘V for Vendetta’ it is difficult to say if scientists, by injecting prisoners, are trying to develop a cure for a virus or develop a biological weapon. ’12 Monkeys’ explored a similar theme of a deliberately released lethal virus through the added dimension of time travel hindsight.
Bioweaponeers include scientists, doctors, intelligence, politicos, military and businessmen led by the horrible power of fanatics and arrogant leaders. Each frames the landscape from a particular point of view and agenda. Drug companies, lobbies and labs are the military-industrial nexus point. ‘Hotspots’ are the targets. Systemic risk, plague wars, is inherent. The alchemy of disease is fraught with collateral damage.
The turning points of civilization are marked by war and technology. BW, with its rainbow of insidious killers, is the deadliest form of warfare. To understand war, we have to look at its myths. Crimes against humanity are as old as war itself. When did alchemy become biological warfare? Biowarfare, in particular, is a dark kind of penetration of our minds and bodies. This Voodoo biology, the cruelest weapon of all, trickles down to all members of society.
As war begs for meaning in the midst of chaos, to fathom it we have to fathom our own depths, facing the looming specter of socially-engineered autogenocide. In the silent war, invisibly conceived and executed, we are weathered away by stress, shortages of jobs and resources, and threats to our autonomy. The powerless are targeted for elimination from society.
Political Plague
All war is pre-emptive population control if not outright genocide. Historically, biowarfare destroys civilizations. Homelessness, hunger and despair accompany disease. Silent siege and silent slaughter masks the crime of indirectly killing people. Poverty and oppression are indirect killers in class war – in the new eugenics, reduced to a psychopathic formula of Behavior, Outcome and Benefit.
Even if disease were a punishment of the gods, in biowarfare it becomes a coopted weapon of mankind. Where is the god of moral disease? Does mankind seek to become god-like in this kind of meddling? In the history of biowarfare, this is how man unleashes monster and monster bites back. Where is god when humans experiment on one another, selecting the means of death? Biological warfare has its own magical properties.
Not just a spiritual fairytale, there are psychological realities behind the masks of gods and goddesses. A universal constant of cultures is that gods and goddesses have inspired fear and been associated with disease and healing, demanding sacrifices and tribute. Uniting the opposites, they paradoxically embody both cause and relief from disease. This convolution makes them gateways of transformation.
What happens when these latent gods do make their presence known? Smallpox, for example, has been associated with the Indian goddess Shitala mata, and her Chinese counterpart T'ou-Shen Niang-Niang. Those afflicted would visit and make donations and pray for healing at the shrine. But the gods are not perfect. Maybe in biowarfare, we worship the devouring goddess of terror Kali, or the shape-shifting god Set or many-faced Shiva of chaos and destruction. All weapons collapse the opposition between moral behavior and national security.
What are we willing to give up to continue pretending that we don’t die? Is the worship of external gods and goddesses our method of taking power out of our own hands and minds? Is disease the way they get back inside? Aren’t charms and potions forms of biological warfare? Therein lies the mystery. The battlefield is within – among pathogens and poisons, intrigue, and fear of individual and global dissolution.
Prescribing Pestilence
Even today, there is resistance to the WHO’s vaccination program, based on attitudes about deity. Are the killers of humanity ecologically necessary to cull the population? Have aggressive public health campaigns against global scourges actually harmed the ecosystem by attacking and undermining indigenous spirituality? We may need ancient knowledge to get through coming changes.
Social action is also a response to pain and suffering. In attempting to alleviate it we can cause even more. Even if we speak in the psychological “as if” reality, the gods seem to inevitably require human sacrifice, one way or the other. But the future of our planet requires new myths and archetypes. Will it be of a cannibalistic social system that consumes its own in a perversion of human sacrifice as war, famine, crime and suicide?
With their own styles of fractal logic, the gods have prescribed treatments and dictated certain activities from insight, to irrelevant to counterproductive remedies. Some being more feared than loved, they inspired reverent worship and apprehension. If some gods and goddesses are willing to remain in the background, Nemesis, Goddess of Vengeance and Retribution is not, working out her own agenda with a variety of lethal means.
If gods are diseases, what does it mean when one makes you his abode, his temple? Are the gods and goddesses desperate enough to encroach and illegally occupy us? Can this be more than superstition? Or is a trick of overweening priestcraft?
Diabolical Sacrifice
If electro-medicine devices can kill all known pathogenic bacteria, viruses, and fungi with resonant frequencies then vaccines and antibiotics become largely unnecessary. Biological warfare becomes much less fearsome, but the gods and goddesses still live on in our psyches, even if we have fantasies of defeating disease.
What price will we pay for worshipping false deities? Will a biological Ragnarok decide the fate of humanity? Will the dreadful goddess Fate (the Inescapable) or Ananke (Necessity) determine our final outcome? The ancient Greeks knew enough to fear the wrath of these deities we now call archetypes.
Humans are sacrificed so someone gains power in life. Athena is the goddess of wisdom and warfare, but biowarfare seems to reveal her sociopathic streak. We must seek meaning as zealously as the warrior Mars seeks the aphrodisiac beauty of Victory.
What does war want from us? Do societies “need” wars and scapegoats? Are we prepared to sacrifice ourselves? Is identification or dissociation the first step to catastrophe? What disturbed thinking has brought us to this treacherous threshold? What spiritual brinksmanship might save us from a fate worse than death?
War challenges us to reinvigorate the body-politic. To declare war ‘normal’ or perpetual does not eliminate its pathologies. The state does not guarantee self-preservation. If imagination is the driving force, the idea of an enemy (conditioned by our collective shadow, media, education and beliefs) can be as powerful as any real one.
When the enemy is named, war is declared. The real enemy is fear, itself. The adversary embodies that. Enmity takes many shapes, including self-loathing and projection or scapegoating onto others. This war gets under our skin. With biowarfare, we have concocted new diseases from the ghosts of the dead. These invaders want fresh blood. But perhaps we are mortally wounded before the battle has begun.
Stealth Agents
Words as our primary psychological tools are a psiops weapon. Buzzwords can narrow the range of our thoughts, even to the point of phobia or obsession. The rhetoric of biowarfare has impact because it carries body into the fray, stirring fantasy and nightmare. There is a god or psychic element in every disease. When the cure becomes the poison, we know we are in the realm of the Trickster.
Biowarfare is a predatory Trickster, an aspect of the collective shadow, in a culture infected with conceit and cycles of revenge. Like the magician, Trickster re-makes the world according to his own vision, fashioning it to his will. Dirty trickster, dirty war.
Biowarfare has insinuated itself so deep that this harrowing situation is part of the groundstate of our lives. Bio-meddling may save or destroy us, utterly. In selfish hands, even the Elixir of Life turns into a poison. Can we out-trick the Trickster, drinking his elixir yet avoiding its toxic effects?
All diseases aren’t physical. Gods force themselves symptomatically into awareness. We meet our rejected and repressed sacred potential at the center of diseases, individually and collectively. If “the gods have become diseases,” is it because we have not listened to the world’s psyche? Jung speaks of the desacralization of life, of our cultural world with the rage, madness and perversity that follows. Our symptoms of psychological illness speak volumes. Can our afflictions make us more sensitive?
Even with a vocabulary that is predominantly biological, what happens if we substitute ‘fantasy’ for ‘disease’? Biowarfare is a fantasy we have painted on the global landscape to project our evil, fear, malaise and pathology – our disgust with the human race. In some sick way, we identify with the parasites. In this sense, we are already infected and may be contagious.
Speech and myth share an identity that collapses contradictions. It is a linguistic disappearing act of consciousness and conscience. The ethical question remains: how can biowarfare be justified in any circumstances? And yet, historically, such has been the case. It is always mandated by if not justified by the agenda.
Every war has its stories of overt and covert germ warfare from infected animals and blankets, to mustard gas, to germ warfare in Korea, to Agent Orange, to modern hypermutable and hybrid agents. The poppy, a symbol of Demeter and Hekate, has been weaponized in the drug war. Even computers are subject to viral attack and societies are vulnerable to memes, informational viruses with variable scales of ‘truthiness,’ misinformation and disinformation. In some sense, politics is like an infectious disease.
Leaving No Germ Unturned
Governments have made biowarfare a political, social, economic and military priority. We have recruited, turned and made germs defect from their own ends to our own nefarious whims, mocking the goddesses Hygeia and Panacea, not to mention Gaea.
Biowarfare is also a theoretical tool and economic strategy. Biology is an arena for intimidation and the exercise of power – systematic generation of fear. Biowarfare is a virtual war on a different level of reality. It is a real dynamic which gives rise to truth and lies. Like nuclear bombs, biowarfare threatens a catastrophic endgame. What can possibly lift the curse?
Pan is the archetype of what we are not able to accept in our unconscious, phobias and obsessions with threat. Pandemic takes its name from the god Pan, inducer of panic even in the logical absence of threat. The real pandemic is fear. Pan embodies our nightmares of penetrating phallic aggression, of alien invasion of the self and collective. Like an ether, he could envelop us all.
Psychiatric casualties can be as real as any other. A hyperarousal of anxiety, panic attacks actively demonstrate that we are out of balance. Post Traumatic Stress Disorder is a chaotic state of hyper-reactive being. Perpetual panic suppresses the immune system, increasing vulnerability. With PTSD there is no prospect of personal peace.
Biowarfare casts a spell. It induces its own form of shellshock, dissociating us from our humanistic core. PTSD is at an unprecedented high among military personnel and veterans, many of whom report suicidal thoughts. In PTSD, the trauma is perceived as continuously happen-ing, so one must remain hypervigilant. It’s a defensive posture. Is biowarfare a symptom of national hypervigiliance?
The Cold War was “imaginary,” taking place between nation-states fighting with propaganda, nuclear deterrence, military spending, and local wars. Asymmetrical conflicts may also be ideological and include corporate interests, or transnational crimes.
The distinction between governments, intelligence agencies, organized crime and private companies has become murkier. Bioterrorism is particularly well-suited to smaller groups. Biotechnology is sophisticated but not beyond the reach of non-state actors. Biowarfare has a chilling way of leveling power in the biopolitical playing field but the distinction between war and peace blurs.
If the Cold War was “imaginary,” the asymmetric war is “virtual,” that is, until it crawls under your skin with real consequences without borders. Paradoxically, the threat may come from home or abroad. The individual may have to surrender control over his own body before fighting begins. The prospect of accidental holocaust and genocidal massacre rears its ugly head. In biopolitics the fundamental divide, the border is between those who should live and those who “should” die.
Black Death
Biowarfare, as a narrative waiting for a script, forces us to examine our social and biological paradigms. If states are living bodies, all politics is biopolitics, which implies more than metaphorical meaning for toxic memes and ideologies as degenerative diseases or malignant developments. Cultures and subcultures are social organisms. Social elements perturb the body politic. Outbreaks of induced disease are biological explosions.
“For many decades millions of animals and innumerable vials of infectious material have been shipped around the world for commercial and biological warfare purposes. This world trade in deadly agents, coupled with the gene-splicing technology developed in the 1970s, has increased the dangers of new disease outbreaks. In addition, many new viruses have been passed around between various species of animals, and some of these viruses have been adapted to human tissue. This has resulted in the production of new laboratory diseases that have potential biowarfare capabilities. The biowarfare implications of all these scientific "advances" have led some conspiracy-minded people to suspect that the hand of man might be responsible for the outbreak of one or more of these newly emerging diseases.” (Cantwell)
Grim Alchemy
All biological knowledge is dual – medical and lethal, defensive and strategic – fault and default. All viruses have the capacity to warp the social fabric and dissolve national boundaries. As of August 2009, the WHO plans to vaccinate more than half the World's population against the threat of swine flu pandemic. Or, is it a meme in the war for your mind, a viral pretext for military escalation? Let’s hope it isn’t a self-fulfilling prophecy.
The body politic is infected, but the diagnosis and prognosis remain unsure. Biology has lost its innocence to a slow-motion plague that never ends and to multiple assaults on good air, good water and good earth. WWIII is the silent war for your mindbody. When war directly inhabits your body you are forced to defend yourself.
Economic collapse, mind control, pandemic, famine and drought are its weapons. Air, water and the food-chain are easily weaponized. With or without cryptocratic coordination these forces are in play. Virtual tactics drive control architectures. The virtualities of scenarios collapse into contingent realities and actualities. The modeling of civilian populations remains deterministic, if nonlinear.
Risk Mismanagement
Global control establishments are run on the principles of chaos theory. Biowarfare is the strange attractor of global architectronics. Instigating turbulence is a sinister means of social control, paradoxically, where one becomes one’s own enemy. Regulating flow translates to institutional disturbance and policing populations.
Biological knowledge is power in the micro- and macrocosm. Control of free information flow is the first casualty as state violence becomes more fluid and intensifies. Brian Massumi describes programmed catastrophe as "virtualization of state violence, its becoming immanent to every co-ordinate of the social field, as unbounded space of fear.” Fear is the state-space.
Programmed catastrophe, the “accidental” architecture of control is riddled with conceptual viruses. Chaos theory demonstrates that as systemic processes cascade into dysfunctionality we are thrown into chaos and catastrophe. It’s going to be a bumpy ride. Fasten your seatbelts for social turbulence.
In complex dynamics, efforts to control the human security system perturb it, feeding the disorder itself. The switch flips from welfare to warfare. The war machine gradually infects all aspects of the state. Control dissolves in the vortical dynamics of population turbulence, cascading from micro to global scales. It has been said that the poison is in the cure. Is it also post-postmodern truism that the crime is in the solution?
Social Modulation
“Accident,” derived from the Latin accidens, signals the unanticipated, unexpected – the surprise failure of a system or product. Virilio recognized that the production of substance is simultaneously the invention of that substance’s accident. Failure seems programmed into the product from the moment of its production or implementation . . . breakdown or failure is less the deregulation of production than the production of a specific failure, or even a partial or total destruction."(Virilio 1993 211)
"It is in order to function that a social machine must not function well."(Deleuze & Guattari 1983 151) In this mutant neo-functionalism, megamachines function by breaking down; "Far from being a pathological consequence, the disequilibrium is functional and fundamental." But radical surveillance becomes paramount. In the art of war, the only way to track your enemy is to become it. Paradoxically, to defend against microbial mayhem, we have created gigantic Frankenstein monsters that can eat us alive. In magic, all potions are meant to heal, poison or bewitch, like the elixir of persuasion.
Extreme events, expected or unexpected, can cascade into consequences where a single occurrence avalanches into a series of dynamic system failures, including economic and financial values. If we “follow the money,” financial catastrophe is the consequence of a realignment of the connection between economic and financial value, with economic value often not being destroyed. After disaster there is gradual self-organization of remaining elements.
Tempest in a Testube
Biowarfare (BW) exploits both naturally occurring and genetically manipulated organisms. As for all wars, controversial toxic agents were created for the drug war: paraquat for marijuana, Fusarium fungus for cocaine and synthetic herbicides and the fungus Pleospora papaveracea for opium poppies. A dangerous wheat stem rust threatened wheat fields in Iran in 2008. Is it a covert attack or coincidence?
According to Dr. Mark Wheelis, “Anti-agricultural biowarfare and bioterrorism differ significantly from the same activities directed against humans; for instance, there exist a variety of possibilities for economic gain for perpetrators, and the list of possible perpetrators includes corporations, which may have state-of-the-art technical expertise. Furthermore, attacks are substantially easier to do: the agents aren’t necessarily hazardous to humans; delivery systems are readily available and unsophisticated; maximum effect may only require a few cases; delivery from outside the target country is possible; and an effective attack can be constructed to appear natural. This constellation of characteristics makes biological attack on the agricultural sector of at least some countries a very real threat, perhaps more so than attack on the civilian population.”
Each pathogen requires its own vector or delivery system. Some can be activated only in a field of specific electro-magnetic radiation. Many BW drugs, such as LSD, STP and Ecstasy, escaped their military and intelligence applications to become recreational, adding an “edge” to the “hot stuff” nickname.
Counterculture was a meme fostered in the cultural cold war by Tavistock Institute and the CIA through such groups as The Brotherhood of Eternal Love (the LSD “Hippie Mafia”), trickster Tim Leary, and Vito Paulekas & the Freaks, the dance troupe who created the 60’s LA music scene style while CIA’s “Mighty Wurlitzer” propaganda machine played America for all it was worth. Through psycho-management, counterculture became a vector for cultural disruption. Even your rebellions are programmed.
A dauntingly large number of infectious organisms and biological toxins can be used to attack people, animals and plants. Biothreats for humans encompass all branches of the microbial kingdom, including: bacteria (anthrax, plague, brucellosis, tularaemia); rickettsia (typhus, Rocky Mountain spotted fever, Q Fever); viruses (smallpox, influenza, dengue fever, various encephalitis viruses and the haemorrhagic fever agents, Ebola, Marburg and Lassa); fungi (coccidioidomycosis); and toxins (botulinum, Staphylococcal enterotoxin b, shigella, ricin, aflatoxin).
In 2002, the NATO biowarfare defense handbook listed 31 human pathogens of concern. The grim list of potential biological weapons includes hepatitis A, B and C, influenza A, Lyme disease, dengue fever and salmonella (contained in BioSafetyLevel-2 labs). Anthrax, West Nile virus, Venezuelan equine encephalitis, Eastern equine encephalitis, SARS, tuberculosis, typhus, Coxiella burnetii, Rift Valley fever, Rocky Mountain spotted fever, and yellow fever (BSL-3 labs). Bolivian and Argentine hemorrhagic fevers, Marburg virus, Ebola virus, Lassa fever, and Crimean-Congo hemorrhagic fever are dealt with in highest-containment BSL-4 labs.
Most research and development is still conducted at Fort Detrick, MD., Los Alamos and Lawrence Livermore labs, Pine Bluff, AR. and Dugway Proving Ground, UT. The National Bio and Agro-Defense Facility (BSL-4), which replaces Plum Island, is under construction in tornado-prone Manhattan, Kansas. (FOIA Feasibility Study here: ) Hurricanes and earthquakes and electrical loss threaten many facilities.
Double Think
Biowarfare is a tragic Medusa that paralyzes us in our tracks in the dark snakepit of fear. To stare into her eyes is to stare into the Abyss, or some might claim the ‘Evil Eye’ of the Illuminati. Athena gave the revealing gift to Asclepius (the healer) of two drops of the Gorgon's blood. One has the power to cure and even resurrect, while the other is a deadly poison.
Medusa's blood is therefore the epitome of the 'pharmakon.' The 'pharmakos' is the scapegoat whose sacrifice establishes the dual nature of the sacred and reinforces the separation of the monster and the god, the deadly killer or the cure. Others say that Athena and Asklepius divided the blood between them; he used it to save lives, but she to destroy and instigate wars.
Such is the nature of our compartmentalized thinking about biowarfare and vaccine preparedness. Defensive “preparedness” has only led to spiraling cycles of mismanagement and abuse that perpetuate rather than eliminate the lethal threat. Contaminants in vaccines include animal diseases, microbes and heavy metals such as mercury. The scale of the killing or incapacitation can reach global proportions. Mass extermination might even be the endgame of some players if conspiracy researchers are correct.
Sinister Research
Even without nefarious intent, epidemics on our overpopulated planet are inevitable, a matter of not if, but when. Scientists have just identified a genomic "signature" in circulating blood that reveals exposure to common upper respiratory viruses, like the cold or flu, even before symptoms appear. Genomic signature in blood identifies underlying viral infection Access to critical care and profiling of pathogens may determine who lives and who dies when vaccines pose their own dangers. Diagnostic biotech sensors – so-called zebra chips -- are being developed to fill this gap.
Faster identification saves lives when pathogens first appear imbedded in the medical system. Similar symptomology compounds the diagnostic problem. Identifying those infected but presymptomatic is valuable. In terms of international public health surveillance, the ability of natural infectious disease to spread globally becomes a national security threat in its own right.
This “silent war” has raged on its own throughout human history, taking advantage of our vulnerability to drugs, toxins, chemicals and pathogens. Since ancient times, poisons, smallpox and plague were weaponized. Sewage and rotting bodies used as ammunition in medieval sieges were the ultimate biological weapons.
By WWII, Japan’s Unit 731 honed biological weapons (anthrax, cholera, plague and typhoid) to an art of war. As victors, the US eagerly grabbed their research. Nazi scientists brought BW research to the U.S. under Project Paperclip. The U.S. and Soviet Union investigated numerous pathogens and delivery systems, certainly spying and even stealing from each other. Poor control in deployment makes BW of little military use because pathogens can spread out of control. But when nations claim to abandon biowarfare or other strategies it usually means R&D has just gone “dark.”
Millennial “Bug”
Nearly everyone is vaccinated against polio and smallpox. The process of doing so in the last century exposed many to carcinogenic monkey virus, whose legacy we see today. Once again there was poison in the cure.
Though they can be contaminated with animal viruses or mercury used as a preservative, in 2009, government officials say vaccine makers and federal officials will be immune from lawsuits that result from any new swine flu vaccine, under a document signed by Secretary of Health and Human Services Kathleen Sebelius.
Dirty Secrets
Chemtrail protestors claim this ultimate poisonous aerosol is a deliberate blanket attack on the populace. Immunosuppresant barium salts, mycoplasma and pollutants are named culprits. It wouldn’t be the first time that mass distribution was inflicted on the unwitting public at large.
The BW problem is both domestic and transnational. Despite broad-sweeping 1972 treaties, we have found new means to deliberately weaponize natural and artificially engineered viruses and bacteria. Many claim AIDS and SARS were genetically-engineered. Other abuses range from mismanagement, to dirty vaccines, to secret use of uninformed civilians as guinea pigs, to genetic targeting and more. In most cases, government or military “spyentists” claim the public has no “need to know.” It is just ‘psiops,’ as usual, full-spectrum psychophysical control in action.
Even more horrifically, state-sponsored programs can escape or be hijacked as bioterrorism threats. Despite treaty bans, a relentless search for the “superbug” continues. In 1989, Vladimir Pasechnik defected to Britain with tales of a genetically-manipulated “superplague” and missile delivery systems. When the Soviet system broke down, scientists put their expertise for sale in the black market. Massive biodefense spending has not made us immune.
Weapons of Mass Infection
Classified secrets are tightly held until something escapes high-containment labs. In the mid-70s lyme disease apparently escaped from Plum Island, a Department of Agriculture facility near New York City that doubles as an Army BW research facility. It is a truism that “the poison is in the cure.” When the defense vaccines pose their own dangers, the system itself is sick, presenting a double bind.
Who knows what demons lurk in clandestine freezers and what might yet be created, despite the Biological Weapons Convention? Even cults have used poisonous salmonella, ricin, and lethal sarin gas in their deadly plots. There are accusations that emerging diseases, such as Swine and Bird flu are genetically-engineered and that West Nile Virus was weaponized.
The mind reels over potential technological revolutions in nano- and genetic agents for evil or good. In May 2009, a nanosuit infused with Reactive Surface Treatment (RST) that repels and kills anthrax spores was announced. Designed to protect troops from BW agents, other applications of self-cleaning fabric include antibacterial sportswear.
Military fabrics can also be oil-resistant, self-extinguishing, or chemical agent-reactive. Biotech meets nanotech in smart-systems biowarfare detection devices -- photonic and nanotronic biosensor arrays that can immediately detect pathogens and insure public safety.
Leading biotech and biowarfare expert, George Poste is also a member of the Council on Foreign Relations. In 2005, the CFR hosted a conference on the global threat of pandemic influenza, a Who’s Who of infectious diseases and global health, including a session on what the world would look like after a pandemic.
Kelly helped orchestrate the defection of Vladimir Pasechnik in 1989 so he had knowledge of horrifying Soviet research, as well. As chief director of the Institute for Ultra-Pure Biological preparations in St Petersburg, Pasechnik had developed killer germs. 'I want the West to know of this. There must be a way to stop this madness,' he told Dr Kelly in a safe house. (Reid)
Ken Alibek became President of Hadron Advanced Biosystems, a subsidiary of Alexandria, Virginia-based Hadron, Inc., specializing in “the development of technical solutions for the intelligence community.” It received millions in funding for medical biodefense research in the field of non-specific immunity from the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency, the US Army Medical Research and Materiel Command, and the NIH.
This Germ’s for You
The trigger has already been pulled on the smoking gun of biowarfare and we were all in the crosshairs. In the 1950s-70s, pathogenic mycoplasma were covertly released in top-secret “mock” attacks in the US and Canada. Dr Maurice Hilleman, chief virologist for the pharmaceutical company Merck Sharp & Dohme, stated that this disease agent is now carried by everybody in North America and possibly most people throughout the world. (Scott, 2001) Is this what they mean by “better living through chemistry?”
Testing open air dispersal on the domestic front contaminated virtually everyone and set time bombs ticking in many. The neurodegenerative and systemic-degenerative diseases are contagious but only manifest as active diseases if the recipient is genetically pre-disposed, has a compromised immune system, or a triggering trauma.
A Washington DC Microbiologist links Gulf War Syndrome (GWS) to the anthrax story, which led to the suspicious death of “mad scientist,” hypno-patsy Dr. Bruce Ivins. Mycoplasma contaminated anthrax vaccines were used in the Gulf Wars, giving rise to GWS. Mycoplasmas are normally benign but have been bioengineered into “new” diseases that are reaching epidemic proportions.
Similar to bacteria, mycoplasma are a group of small microorganisms without cell walls, between cells and viruses. They can invade and burrow very deep into the cell causing chromic infections. Normal mycoplasma infections produce relatively benign diseases limited to particular tissue sites or organs, but GWS strains are very pathogenic, colonize a variety of organs and tissues, and are very difficult to treat.
Mass Exposure
According to Dr. Shyh-Ching Lo, senior researcher at The Armed Forces Institute of Pathology and one of America’s top mycoplasma researchers, infectious mycoplasmas are implicated in AIDS, cancer, chronic fatigue syndrome, GWS, Crohn’s colitis, Type I diabetes, multiple sclerosis, Parkinson’s disease, Wegener’s disease and collagen-vascular diseases such as rheumatoid arthritis and Alzheimer’s. (Scott) Lyme Disease and West Nile Virus were also weaponized when the military explored mosquitoes as a delivery vector. Ironically, our biodefense program has created the very threat to US citizens it was meant to thwart.
Anthrax vaccine production continues. In February 1998, State Health Director James Haveman said the (Lansing-based) state- owned Michigan Biologic Products Institute would continue making the vaccine being given to U.S. active and reserve military personnel under a recent Pentagon directive. The mycoplasma story is associated with Michigan State in Lansing, Michigan. Tavistock is associated with Michigan University in Ann Arbor.
There are 400 bioweapon labs across the U.S. 113 of them refuse to publicly disclose their research. When it comes to Germ Warfare, we have met the enemy and unfortunately, it is us. Medical warfare also includes non-military methods exploiting existing civilian infrastructure to control and/or reduce target populations. As the adage goes, “It is never the same after a war.”
Bio-Terror has Already Affected Us All
"Scientists at The Institute for Molecular Medicine have found that slightly under one-half of the very sick Gulf War Illness patients in a pilot study with the signs and symptoms of Chronic Fatigue Syndrome or Fibromyalgia have chronic invasive infections involving certain uncommon mycoplasmas, such as Mycoplasma fermentans (incognitus strain)." --Dr. Garth Nicolson
A Washington-based microbiologist, who wishes to remain cautiously anonymous for obvious reasons, claims there are many unresolved issues surrounding anthrax and anthrax vaccines. He links covert military experiments to creation of toxic mycoplasmas and Gulf War Syndrome spread through contaminated anthrax vaccine. But who would knowingly do such a thing and why? They’ve done it before and they’ll do it again.
Could the same forces be behind the August 2008 “apparent suicide” of hypno-patsy, Army research scientist Dr. Bruce E. Ivins? The Fort Detrick microbiologist worked on a biodefense vaccine for anthrax but wound up accused as the “mad scientist” behind the Anthrax Mailings of 2001 that proved fatal for five victims. Now dead, his innocence until proven guilty is forever moot. Is he another “suicide solution”?
Thanatopolitics: Social Power, Accelerated Social Change / Culled Population
We can follow the backtrail to governmentally sponsored anthrax to Gulf War Syndrome by following the “usual suspects.” When it comes to social or biological engineering, especially eugenics, the prime suspect is the perennial chimera of the globalist agenda, Tavistock Institute in Britain and one of its primary U.S. outposts, Michigan University, Ann Arbor.
Touchless Torture
Tavistock thinktank was created for healing shell shock but soon turned into the pioneering mass brainwashing institute with a globalist agenda. The precursor to the infamous CIA MK-ULTRA mind control program, Tavistock’s agenda is used to topple governments and engineer cultures. Tavistock’s spycologists are the founding fathers of mind control.
Tavistock’s goal is to control entire populations with the use of drugs, electronics and sophisticated mind control techniques, including group dynamics and lockdown propaganda. Research into the use of microwave weapons and their use for mind control began there in the 1950s. Tavistock was behind the creation and direction of the Office of Naval Intelligence (ONI).
The Cryptocracy, through economics and mass mind control is involved in the transformation or "alchemical processing" of mass consciousness by psychological mind manipulation. With the help of these foundations and secret societies, experiments in world shaping continue multimedia and military campaigns. The goal is to seed and control megatrends so the masses live as controlled puppets – wage slaves -- of the ruling elite from cradle to grave.
Their “endgame,” Thanatopolitics (autogenocide), includes radical population reduction employing a variety of pathogens and other means. Thus, Tavistock wrote the blueprint for germ biowarfare (BW) as well as drug and chemical assaults (CBW). A thinktank for the global shadow government, Tavistock plays a pivotal role in shaping political, social, educational, and economic 'opinions', especially in the United States. It manufactures trends, nations and wars.
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